Transforming Accessibility
with X-Ray Vision

(visually pinpoint a11y issues)

View your website pages within AAArdvark’s Visual Mode interface to automatically and manually pinpoint a11y errors. 

X-Ray Vision with Visual Mode

Forget about the clunky spreadsheets. AAArdvark’s Visual Mode is the most innovative way to manage full accessibility audits and remediation projects. 

Streamlining Accessibility Audits and Remediation

Issues List

Keep track of accessibility issues in a visual and cohesive list that pinpoints exactly where the issues originate from on the page. The Issues List is a thorough alternative to traditional spreadsheets.

Discuss Issues

Chat over specific issues, tag team members, and work together to come up with the best strategy to remediate a11y issues.

Manual and Automatic Pinpoints

See issues identified automatically by AAArdvark’s Accessibility Scanner together with issues found by an accessibility tester conducting manual testing.

Delegate Issues

Assign issues to your team to begin the remediation process. And, get notified once an issue is ready for review.

A New Way to Process Accessibility Audits

View accessibility issues directly on the site pages

Other tools or the traditional spreadsheet make it difficult to convey where a11y issues lie on website pages. X-Ray Vision with Visual Mode is the first in the accessibility space. Its visual feedback interface makes it easy to see accessibility issues for the site in real-time. This gives you or your team clear and actionable feedback to speed up the remediation process.

Screenshot of the Issue Instance detail page in the AAArdvark Visual Mode interface, listing the Violation of Success Criterion, Issue Severity, Sufficient Techniques, Issue Status, and Developer Assigned.

Manage a thorough audit and remediation project

Say goodbye to the days of clunky spreadsheets and back-and-forth emails. AAArdvarks Visual Mode interface is the latest in a11y technology to help replace the old practice of cumbersome spreadsheets. Keep track of accessibility errors and follow through with the remediation process using the Issues list and Team features. 

Collaborate with a team through remediation

AAArdvark is ready for big remediation projects. Visual Mode is loaded with features to help a team collaborate through issue assignments, comments, mentions, and notifications for issue review. Invite an unlimited number of stakeholders through AAArdvark to see your remediation project through with less hassle.

Easily accessible customer support at your service

The AAArdvark support team is eager to help! We proudly provide quick 1-day response times and friendly and human support with each email.