What Are Accessibility Overlays and Why Are They Bad?

Join Natalie and Natalie for the ninth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they discuss the hot topic of website accessibility overlays and what makes them bad for users and professionals in the accessibility space. Natalie G: Hello everyone, and welcome to the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. This is Natalie G, and I’m an accessibility […]

What The Accessibility Remediation Process Looks Like?

Join Natalie and Natalie for the eighth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they discuss the accessibility remediation process in detail and what happens after you get your audit back. Natalie Garza: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the eighth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. I’m your co-host, Natalie G., an accessibility novice, and […]

What Does The Accessibility Audit Process Look Like?

Join Natalie and Natalie for the seventh episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they discuss the accessibility auditing process in detail. Natalie Garza: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the seventh episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. In this week’s video, we’re going to go over the auditing process and what that looks like in […]

How to Hire Accessibility Auditors for Your Website

Join Natalie and Natalie for the sixth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they go over how to hire professional accessibility auditors. This includes what to know, how the process works, and also red flags and ways to vet for hiring accessibility auditors. Natalie Garza: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. This […]

Types of Accessibility Certifications

Join Natalie and Natalie for the fifth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they discuss the different types of accessibility certifications. We’ll also chat about the fees, maintenance, and training involved with each. Natalie Garza: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the fifth episode of the Aardvark Accessibility Podcast. Today we have Natalie MacLees. She […]

Types of Accessibility Audits

Join Natalie and Natalie for the fourth episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they discuss the different types of accessibility audits. We’ll also chat about the laws surrounding these audits and why they’re important for different countries. Natalie Garza: Hello and welcome, everybody, to our fourth AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. Today, joining me is Natalie. […]

Audits, Remediation, and Upkeep for Web Accessibility

Join Natalie and Natalie for the third episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they go over how to make websites accessible through the process of audits, remediation, and upkeep. Natalie Garza: Are you ready, Natalie? Natalie MacLees: I’m ready, Natalie. Are you ready? Natalie Garza: Oh, I’m ready, Natalie. Alright. Welcome to the AAArdvark […]

WCAG Structure Explained

Join Natalie and Natalie for the second episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they go over the structure of WCAG, what it’s used for, and who uses it. Natalie Garza: Hello and welcome to the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast. Welcome my guest today, Natalie, web accessibility expert. Natalie MacLees: And my host is Natalie, an […]

Intro to Digital Accessibility

Join Natalie and Natalie for the first episode of the AAArdvark Accessibility Podcast, where they share a quick introduction to digital accessibility. Natalie G.: Hello, Natalie. Natalie M.: Hello, Natalie. Natalie G.: How are you doing, Natalie? Natalie M.: I’m doing just fine, Natalie. Natalie G.: Oh, I’m doing very well. Thank you for asking, […]