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The AAArdvark Generic Webhooks allow you to trigger a scan when something happens on third-party service or as part of your deployment process.

Generic Webhooks allow you to start a scan by sending a GET or POST request to a secret URL. This can be useful to trigger a scan automatically from your Continuous Integration System or CMS when your site changes.

For example, you might configure your deployment script to call the webhook URL after a new version of your site is deployed so that it can be immediately checked for accessibility issues.

Configuring AAArdvark Webhooks

1. Integrations Page

Click on the Settings > Integrations tab from your dashboard and choose a site, OR click the Integrations tab from the Site’s Dashboard.

From here, click Add Integration and then Add Generic Webhook.

2. Generic Webhook Settings

If you’d like a Delay between the time the webhook is sent and the scan is started, choose your preferred delay option from the dropdown. This can be helpful if your website takes time to fully deploy after the webhook is triggered.

Next, make sure to copy the Webhook URL. And, lastly, click Add to finish creating the new Webhook.

Using the AAArdvark Generic Webhook

After adding, the webhook is now configured to be used, and can be added to your third party service. A scan will be started whenever the service or script sends a POST or GET request to the URL.

  1. If a scan is already in progress when an incoming webhook is received, it will be ignored.
  2. Requests to an individual site’s webhook are throttled to one every five minutes. More than one call to the webhook within a five minute period will be ignored.

Editing the Generic Webhook

If you need to see the Webhook URL again, visit the Configuration page for the integration.

From here, you can Regenerate Secret which will return a brand new Webhook URL. Regenerating the secret will prevent current webhooks from working until their URLs are updated..

To remove the webhook permanently, click the Remove button from the Webhook configuration page. Note that a new unique URL will be generated if the webhook is re-added in the future.

To temporarily disable the webhook, toggle off Enable Integration at the top of the configuration page and click Update. When the webhook is re-enabled, the original URL will remain valid.

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